Areas of Focus

Whether your path is through assisted reproduction or through adoption, you need someone to expertly advocate for you and protect your rights in this journey to parenthood. That’s where this firm comes in.


For Parents, a legally valid contract will be drafted for your unique surrogacy journey, which protects you, guides the process, and complies with Florida law. The firm will also establish your legal parentage in court and obtain the necessary documentation evidencing your parentage.

For Surrogates, the contract and the law will be reviewed with you to explain and protect you. Your concerns and needs will be advocated for during the review and negotiation.

Gamete Donations

For Parents, whether it be an egg, sperm or embryo donation, a contract is drafted in accordance with Florida law which will evidence everyone’s intention of the donation and detail everyone’s rights and responsibilities.

For Donors, the contract and the law will be reviewed with you to explain and protect you. Your concerns and needs will be advocated for during the review and negotiation.  


Step & Relative Adoptions

For those seeking to adopt their partner’s child, the proper legal steps will be taken to begin and finalize that adoption process. This can take a variety of forms and can take place for many different reasons. The firm will analyze your particular case to ensure the proper steps are taken for you.

Pre-Planned Adoptions

For Single Parents or those using a Traditional Surrogate, a legally valid contract will be drafted for your unique surrogacy journey, which protects you, guides the process, and complies with Florida law. The firm will also establish your legal parentage in court and obtain the necessary documentation evidencing your parentage.

For surrogates, the contract and the law will be reviewed with you to explain and protect you. Your concerns and needs will be advocated for during the review and negotiation.

International Clients

This firm has extensive experience with international parents utilizing assisted reproductive services in Florida. Aside from a Spanish speaking attorney and providing bilingual services, this firm can provide the additional legal requirements and paperwork necessary for the process here in Florida as expediently as possible for your return back home.

Same Sex Couples

Same Sex couples still face unique legal challenges that may require additional steps and/or additional securities to safely establish parentage. The firm will assess and provide a plan that offers the most legal protections for your parentage and for your child based on your individual circumstances.
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